Plantar Fasciitis

While we are in the midst of social distancing and self quarantining, one of the few ways to get out is to walk. You can still be out in nature and generally be away from people. But what happens if your foot becomes so sore, you cannot walk? It starts out as a cramp in the arch or the heel of the foot.  Then in the morning you wake up and you can hardly put any weight on your foot. You hobble to the bathroom, and after a little while, with a little bit of stretching it feels better. It settles down and you soon forget it happened. The next morning you wake up again, with barely being able to walk at all. Again it is stiff, but wears off as the day goes on. Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the band of muscle that attaches to the heel becomes inflamed, causing stiffness and sometimes incredible pain.

A few years ago, I had a job that had me on my feet most of the day, running up and down stairs, carrying my supplies with me and changing locations quite a bit each day. I was walking 2-3 miles in a relatively small area, moving back and forth. I developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot, which had always been my good leg, never having sustained any injuries. I was dismayed as I realized I would not be able to exercise the way I wanted to strengthen my injured leg. Now, my good leg was injured too. I was not able to completely stay off of my foot, as I needed to work. I tried creams and all the exercises on the internet, to have some success, but not enough to make it go away. 

Homeopathy to the rescue! The protocol for plantar fasciitis is Symphytum officinale 200C taken with Rhus tox 30 C, twice a day. The treatment took a little time. I started having some relief in a week or so. Overall the amount of pain began to lessen and how long it lasted during the day also lessened. Then I began to have a few days without any pain. Eventually I forgot to take the remedies, and I forgot I had the ailment!

Overall, it took about 3-4 months to totally get rid of the plantar fasciitis. I was so grateful to be able to move again, to walk, run, and dance! As is often the case we don’t realize how precious our health or freedom of movement is, until it is gone. Thank goodness for homeopathy to have remedies that work without side effects!

Temporal Tap for Emotional Release

Do you ever feel like you are under an emotional cloud and you just can’t seem to snap out of it? Sometimes a dramatic event or grief can keep our emotions stuck in place so that we can’t separate what is caused by the emotions and what is our real life. The more we try, the more enmeshed they seem to become. When this happens there is a simple way to check in with the body from Applied Kinesiology, known as the Temporal Tap.

First you want to come up with an affirmation of what you would like to experience. This can be something like…”I am healthy, happy, and full of love.”  Or it could be “I am healthy, happy, and accept unconditional love for all life.” The statement should always be written in present tense.

Hold the ring finger to the thumb. Then with the two remaining fingers (index and middle finger) tap around the ear starting from the top while saying your affirmation. Repeat this two more times. 

Next, with eyes closed, make a counterclockwise circle with the eyes while tapping and saying the affirmation. Repeat this while tapping in a clockwise direction with the eyes still closed. Next, repeat this with the eyes opened in both directions.

This whole process is a little trippy, and can make you feel a little dizzy and uncoordinated.  However, it really shakes up the emotional body and can reset those emotions and feelings, giving you a new place to start from. If later in the day you find yourself falling back into that emotional abyss, just repeat the exercise above. You’ll find it becomes easier and unravels the many layers of the emotions.

Splinters, Ouch What’s Stuck?

Just while you’re happily working away, you pick up something made of wood and you feel a stab of pain from your hand or finger. Little kids will immediately suck on their finger to try and force out that splinter, but older folks will squeeze it tight, trying to see exactly where it is, to push it out. Of course, the first thing one should do is to clean the area. A warm application can even soothe the area and draw out that splinter. 

In homeopathy the remedy to keep on hand for splinters is Silica 30C. Silica works for minor injuries where a foreign object is embedded in the skin, or something is caught in the throat. Take this remedy up to four times a day until it is very much better, for about two weeks. As wonderful as Silica is, there are no worries for implants. Silica does not act on implants or dislodge them from their proper place.

 I learned the power of Silica when I noticed a fierce itching sensation in my leg where I had previously had surgery over three years ago.  A new small hard bump had formed on an old scar that I hadn’t noticed before. Within about two days, a small piece of black nylon thread surfaced and came out. When looking back at what had caused this remarkable surfacing, I realized the Silica caused this foreign object to rise to the surface of the body and expel it. The physical body is amazing when the proper remedy is given!