Summer Cold, Oh MY!

Having a cold in the summer is no fun. It is beautiful outside and there are so many things to do. Even in the days of social distancing, it is still enjoyable to go on a walk, or a bike ride, or take a drive in the car. Having a cold puts a damper on everything. So what to do when you feel you’re coming down with a cold? 

Aconite 200C and Bryonia 30C will stop a cold in its tracks. It is so effective it can stop any symptoms in as little as 15 minutes to an hour. But, you have to be paying attention and get on it right away. Aconite is a good remedy for shock and in this case the Aconite shocks the body at the micro/nano level, communicating that it is in fighting mode or getting sick. So it is best to use Aconite and Bryonia in the first 24 hours of having symptoms. This is a good remedy duo to take traveling or to keep in your purse for when you are out and about. You will be glad you did!

Stiff Neck?

Do you ever wake up having a stiff neck from having the fan on all night? These hot evenings beg for having cool air blow across you so that you can relax and go to sleep. Or maybe it’s from the open window, from the breeze blowing on you all night long. But in the morning, you wake up with a stiff neck. Yikes! You rub those shoulder and neck muscles, but it lingers. It feels like you just can’t get going, no matter how much you massage those pesky shoulders and neck muscles. But no worries, there is a quick fix for this!  

First, turn your head from side to side to see how far it will go, just for gauging.  This is the basis to compare with. Now, starting at the top of the ears and going down, rub the outside edge of your ears, like you are slowly unrolling a curled piece of paper ribbon on a package. Feels good, right? Repeat this two more times. It is so relaxing and calming.

Now, check again for how far you can turn your head. Oh my gosh, there is a change! Not only can you turn your head more, but ear rolling also helps with energy! If you feel a twinge of that stiff neck coming back, just repeat.

You now have a quick and simple way to help relieve a stiff neck and get just a little more energy.

How to Pick the Best Remedy?

How do you know whether you have the correct or best homeopathic remedy? Portland Homeopathy uses  Banerji Protocol remedies that have been used for over 150 + years. The Banerjis are Medical Doctors as well as being certified in Homeopathy. They have a free and public clinic in India, and keep fastidious records of all the people who walk through the door. With the assistance of 10 doctors in their clinic, they see over 1000 patients per day. Collecting data from one thousand patients per day, 6 days a week, times 52 weeks a year amounts to seeing 312,000 cases seen every year. That accumulates a lot of data. The Banerjis developed first line protocols that work for 80% of the people, second line protocols for the next 15% and third line protocols that work for the last 5% of the population. 

If there is not a Banerji Protocol, or you want to check if there is an alternative remedy, how do you pick a remedy? The easiest and best way is to match the patient or person with the ailment, is to find a remedy that has the same characteristics. In homeopathy, we use a Repertory to choose which remedies are recommended for an ailment, and then a Materia Medica to hone in on which remedy has the most significant qualities that match the symptoms experienced by the person with that ailment.

As with any medical condition, if you have any concerns about the severity of your illness, consult with your physician as it may first require medical diagnosis and/or intervention and monitoring. You can always take homeopathic remedies on the way to the doctor or emergency room, and if they are not working by the time you get there, you can always go in the door.

Overdo the Holiday?

Gosh it was so great to get outside and see everyone on July 4th while social distancing. Although many places are still closed or limited, the holiday was quite festive, just in much smaller groups. All over the neighborhood, the scent of BBQ’s filled the air. The food smelled so delicious. There were so many choices from burgers and chicken, to BBQ ribs. Who can stop at only trying one? Before long you get that feeling of being full. That doesn’t even count the desserts that everyone brought. By the time the night was over, I knew I was in trouble. I was stuffed. And today I am still full. Is there a solution for this predicament? Yes indeed!

Nux vomica is just the thing you need when you indulge just a little too much. It is good for too much chocolate, too much food, like chicken, burgers and ribs, or the three types of potato salad, or for all those brownies, cakes, and the blackberry pie.  Nux vomica even works for hangovers when you’ve had a little too much to drink.

Nux vomica is the traveler’s remedy. It is also good for jet lag and constipation. So the next time you over indulge, you don’t have to suffer the whole next day. You just need to remember to take Nux vomica, and before long you’ll be back to feeling better.