Injury Recall

Have you been injured, either recently or long ago? There is a simple technique from Applied Kinesiology to release captured emotions or residue stuck in a muscle or organ from an injury. 

Muscles often retain the memory of an old injury and may cause even additional fatigue. Any injury can cause decreased flexibility, stiff muscles, and susceptibility to future injuries. 

A simple test can show if this technique is needed. This technique is often called for when muscles just will not stay strengthened. Injury Recall can restore an injured portion of the body to regain more flexibility and get rid of any residual stiffness that may still exist there.

Three things that cause the most damage are sprained ankles, mammograms and dental work, such as root canals. Each of these can be devastating on their own, let alone compounded together. Furthermore, releasing the tension from the spinal cord allows the body to have more overall flexibility which can be shown in a before and after demonstration of hip flexion. If you would like more information or a demo, please contact our office.

Good Health- What Does it Really Mean?

When we are sick or injured we know exactly what we want. We want to feel good again, to not be sick; we want to get better, to be healthy. But what does that mean to be healthy? 

Good health is a result of what we eat, what we think, how we express emotions, what we feel, what we do and how we live. Our thoughts, actions, and choices make incremental changes in our way of life, dictating our current outlook and health. 

Making healthy choices is an ongoing process that leads to good health or poor health. We can start off with big goals, of exercising, eating right, getting our health back on track. We get up, do a spiritual contemplation, work out, have a shake and then we are off to work. When that becomes a routine, it can work really well. We can get used to feeling well rested, and having the right thoughts, and starting the day out fresh. 

If something happens that we are not quite prepared for, our goals can go out the window. If we don’t pay attention, our habits get side-tracked by our thoughts, food choices, environment, and the company we keep. We give ourselves a break; we compensate, perhaps we have a negative thought for that unfortunate event, or think we deserve a treat that isn’t in our body’s best interest because it was a stressful day. We feel sorry for ourselves and reward ourselves in ways that feel good for the moment, but may not be good for us in the long run. We skip our good habits and fall into a rut that may not be working for us. 

It’s like the person who wants to drown their sorrows in drink at the end of a stressful day who either doesn’t know or care how they will feel in the morning. Everything has consequences. Sometimes we just can’t see the connection of how are actions are influencing our present. In this case it is our health.

We have to begin anew to build the good health habits. Our bodies are our big life experiment. We have over three trillion cells, and more bacteria than we can count. We choose what to allow our body to experience by what we feed it, the kind of water we drink, how hard we work the body, what we think about, and the environment where we live. Our thoughts are affected by our emotions and we generate feelings from those emotions.  We cannot always choose what life brings to us, but we can choose how we respond to our life.

When we choose to follow a plan to good health, it leads to new choices, habits, and thoughts that change to accommodate this new lifestyle of good health. You might notice you feel better from the increased flexibility or home made food you are eating, or you don’t have as many headaches, dark moods, or aches and pains. You find new thoughts and new ideas come your way. New ways of being rewarded reinforce the new healthy habits.

It takes cells about 120 days to reproduce and copy over their new blueprint of being well. That way all the cells have the healthy blueprint, and not just some of them. Because it takes so long, it is best to stick to a program of taking a supplement, protocol, or herbal for about 3-4 months, if you are trying to uproot it. For someone who can ask the body, you can check to see what the body wants.

Do we ever get there? Do we get where we have good health and now we can stop? Since life is an increasing collection of our thoughts and understandings, we find ways to keep improving, to continue growing. There is always another step to take, to learn, to help others. That is the part of us that is creative, or divine. 

Good health is the process; it is taking the steps to becoming who we truly are.  

Just What Is Good Health?

In order to survive, each and every cell needs voltage. Cells need voltage to maintain themselves, to gather new raw materials for making new cells, to repair any damage from injuries, and to remove toxins from the body. If voltage is too low, cells do not have enough energy to run all their processes. When there isn’t enough voltage, toxins build up, causing fatigue and pain. Therefore, having enough voltage is a basic component of good health.

Where do cells get voltage? The ultimate energy comes from the sun, which we need too. Cells get the most voltage from making new cells. Cells get voltage or energy from good water, clean food, food that hasn’t been processed or pasteurized, so it still has live enzymes. The body needs the right kinds of fats. The fats we must be of good enough quality so that the cell membranes are capable of transferring voltage.

Cells get voltage from the Earth that acts as an electromagnet. This means that the Earth can transfer electrons to our bodies, when barefoot and through Schumann resonances that come from the earth. We also get electrons from alkaline water (that has not been treated with fluoride or chlorine). 

Everytime a muscle is contracted, electrons are given off, just like in piezoelectric crystals. This means that exercise is a component of health! We increase our voltage when we exercise, thereby allowing our cells to maintain themselves and clean out the buildup of toxins. Besides being able to move about in space, we need to be able to move in patterns with our energies, that follow our meridians, or cross our midlines and move in ways that are exemplified in nature.

Another way we get voltage is through physical touch. Each person is a conductor. Electrons move from an area of high voltage to an area of low voltage. When we hug someone, we transfer voltage from person to person in an exchange that can be both comforting and nourishing in many ways. This is also true of when we work with plants, animals, some stones, and trees. Voltage is exchanged and with more flow, cells are able to make more cells and clear out old cells. Moreover we just feel good.

Not only do we have physical needs for good health, but we have emotional needs. Our thoughts and emotions affect how we feel and ultimately affect our health. The person who is content and happy with their life is generally much healthier. Therefore the right thoughts and emotions are also essential for good health.

Good health requires many things. Physically, cells need enough voltage for making new cells, and maintaining and cleaning out toxins for good health. We can gain energy through voltage in good food, water, sunlight, Schumann resonances, movement, exercise, and physical touch. Our thoughts and emotions are also key to good health. Keeping our energy flowing is a healthy way to live. Great health is a process, not just a goal and it takes constant vigilance to keep a body healthy.

Germ Theory vs Terrain Theor

As a biologist, I was taught and taught for many years about the Germ theory. Louis Pasteur published a paper in 1861 stating that germs are the cause of disease. Western medicine picked up on Pasteur’s Germ theory and today it is a basis of Western medicine. It is generally accepted that one gets disease from microbiota, or germs from fungi, bacteria or other pathogens, parasites and viruses (although viruses were not included in Pasteur’s original theory).  Modern medicine isolates each microbe to identify it, to see how it grows, and to find out what stops its growth. However, on his deathbed, Pasteur was said to reject his Germ theory, that Terrain is far more important.

The body has over 37 trillion cells and even more bacteria, fungi, and viruses. That means the body is made up of more microbiota and organisms than there are human cells. Considering that, then how do we define who and what we are? Are we really just humans? If so much more of the human body is made of microbiota, and bacteria and microbiota make you sick, we would be sick all the time. However, we do know there are “good” microbiota. So there must a balance between the “good and bad” microorganisms because we are not sick all the time.

The Terrain theory says that when the whole body is balanced and in a state of homeostasis or equilibrium, the immune system is able to fight off pathogens—or the “bad” microbes that make us sick. The Terrain theory looks at the body’s ecology as a whole. When the body is out of balance or in a state of disease, the body is weakened and pathogens can enter and flourish, allowing an overgrowth of any microbe. The overgrowth results in symptoms that arise while the body is trying to get back into balance, and these symptoms collectively are considered a disease.

When the body is healthy and the vital force is strong, homeostasis is maintained. When the body terrain is healthy, you most likely experience good health! How do we keep this terrain balanced? Easy! We keep the body strong by ensuring we eat, live, and think well. To keep the body healthy we need access to clean water, clean and real food and nutrition, to avoid toxins and electromagnetic radiation, and to have access to fresh, clean air and light.

Charlie Horse & Cramps

If you ever get a charlie horse or a cramp in your leg after doing some kind of exercise, or just because, there is a simple solution. It’s a very easy fix. It just takes 4 pills of the cell salt Magnesium phosphate and add to a mug of hot water. Take a sip every minute or so until it is gone or gotten cold and voila! The cramps are gone too! This works great for muscle cramps, stomach cramps, spasms of any kind and even for menstrual cramps. I like to keep it in my drawer in case anyone needs it while at work. 

What are cell salts? They are vital trace mineral salts found in each cell that the cell needs to survive. If they are not present, then the cell does not function properly. For cramps, the cell salt is Magnesium phosphate!

Traveling & Motion Sickness

Although there seems to be a little less travel this year, there are still many people who are taking shorter trips by both car and air during the holidays. Often they are affected by motion sickness. Here are a few thoughts of how homeopathy can help when traveling. 

First, if you feel a little anxious, anticipating that upcoming trip and what will happen before you travel, you know what I am talking about. You have an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach and you are just not your calm balanced self.  In this case try Gelsemium 30C, twice a day. It is soothing and will calm down the nerves and emotions. This is also good before taking an exam or before going on stage. Years ago I was in a small dance  company, and remember a young friend who took Gelsemium before performing a solo in the Arabian Dance in the Nutcracker. It did the trick, she remained calm and performed beautifully.

Another remedy that works when you are in the midst of traveling is Tabacum. No one wants to be uncomfortable in the car or on a plane. It’s no fun to sit the whole ride holding a bag up to your mouth— just in case. When you feel nauseous and icy cold, the remedy to take is Tabacum 30C. An alternative product to try is Motion Sickness, a formula by Hyland’s, found in local pharmacies and drug stores. It is easy to find and give to family members. 

These are just a few ideas for travel. Travel does not always go the way we want it to go, but with homeopathy, we can make travel smooth and easy for ourselves and our families.

Deciphering Coughs

What do you do when you come down with a cough? In homeopathy, it doesn’t always matter why you have the cough, but more importantly it matters what type of cough is presenting. By this I mean, how does the cough sound? When did it start—is it more in the throat or the chest? Is it part of a cold or the flu? When does it occur—when mostly lying down or after eating? Is it dry or is it croupy? 

There are many homeopathic remedies to take for many different kinds of coughs. To simplify it a bit, we will start out with a remedy that will stop a cough and will also work for a cold or flu as well. Such a bargain!

When you first feel the ticklings of a cough coming on, the remedy to take is Aconite 200C taken together with Bryonia 30C, every 3-4 hours. Take up to 4 doses to see if there is a change. Both remedies address the cough. Aconite is quite good if the cough has just developed in the last 12-24 hours. Bryonia attacks those coughs that go right to the lungs. 

For a croupy liquidy cough try Drosera. It can come with spasms and being unable to stop coughing. For a gagging cough, Ipeccac can be given as an SOS. Hepar sulph 200C is another choice, and is great when there is an infection with a yellow discharge.  Coughs can be tricky, but once you find what works for you and your family, it is well worth the effort. Always call if you have questions.

What to Take When Traveling?

Sometimes when you get up in the morning you feel just fine. As the day goes on all of the sudden you feel tired or run down. You start sneezing, have a runny nose, or scratchy throat. You feel like you are getting sick. Sometimes you just can’t back home fast enough to retrieve a remedy to stop an ailment. Even on short trips, there is an easy way to carry a small packet in your bag or backpack.  This is where Coldcalm comes to the rescue, and is easily kept in your bag. 

Coldcalm is a homeopathic remedy for the very first signs of a cold or flu. Even if you don’t know if it is a cold or the flu, Coldcalm by Boiron, is an excellent choice. It treats the beginnings of a cold or flu before it becomes too much for the body to handle.

It comes in a blister pack that is easy to keep in your purse and snap out when needed. The directions suggest taking a dose of one pill every 15 minutes for the first hour as soon as you feel a cold coming on. And for being away from home, it is always nice to know you can stave off a cold at the first sign of sneezing or a runny nose.

Plantar Fasciitis

While we are in the midst of social distancing and self quarantining, one of the few ways to get out is to walk. You can still be out in nature and generally be away from people. But what happens if your foot becomes so sore, you cannot walk? It starts out as a cramp in the arch or the heel of the foot.  Then in the morning you wake up and you can hardly put any weight on your foot. You hobble to the bathroom, and after a little while, with a little bit of stretching it feels better. It settles down and you soon forget it happened. The next morning you wake up again, with barely being able to walk at all. Again it is stiff, but wears off as the day goes on. Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the band of muscle that attaches to the heel becomes inflamed, causing stiffness and sometimes incredible pain.

A few years ago, I had a job that had me on my feet most of the day, running up and down stairs, carrying my supplies with me and changing locations quite a bit each day. I was walking 2-3 miles in a relatively small area, moving back and forth. I developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot, which had always been my good leg, never having sustained any injuries. I was dismayed as I realized I would not be able to exercise the way I wanted to strengthen my injured leg. Now, my good leg was injured too. I was not able to completely stay off of my foot, as I needed to work. I tried creams and all the exercises on the internet, to have some success, but not enough to make it go away. 

Homeopathy to the rescue! The protocol for plantar fasciitis is Symphytum officinale 200C taken with Rhus tox 30 C, twice a day. The treatment took a little time. I started having some relief in a week or so. Overall the amount of pain began to lessen and how long it lasted during the day also lessened. Then I began to have a few days without any pain. Eventually I forgot to take the remedies, and I forgot I had the ailment!

Overall, it took about 3-4 months to totally get rid of the plantar fasciitis. I was so grateful to be able to move again, to walk, run, and dance! As is often the case we don’t realize how precious our health or freedom of movement is, until it is gone. Thank goodness for homeopathy to have remedies that work without side effects!

Temporal Tap for Emotional Release

Do you ever feel like you are under an emotional cloud and you just can’t seem to snap out of it? Sometimes a dramatic event or grief can keep our emotions stuck in place so that we can’t separate what is caused by the emotions and what is our real life. The more we try, the more enmeshed they seem to become. When this happens there is a simple way to check in with the body from Applied Kinesiology, known as the Temporal Tap.

First you want to come up with an affirmation of what you would like to experience. This can be something like…”I am healthy, happy, and full of love.”  Or it could be “I am healthy, happy, and accept unconditional love for all life.” The statement should always be written in present tense.

Hold the ring finger to the thumb. Then with the two remaining fingers (index and middle finger) tap around the ear starting from the top while saying your affirmation. Repeat this two more times. 

Next, with eyes closed, make a counterclockwise circle with the eyes while tapping and saying the affirmation. Repeat this while tapping in a clockwise direction with the eyes still closed. Next, repeat this with the eyes opened in both directions.

This whole process is a little trippy, and can make you feel a little dizzy and uncoordinated.  However, it really shakes up the emotional body and can reset those emotions and feelings, giving you a new place to start from. If later in the day you find yourself falling back into that emotional abyss, just repeat the exercise above. You’ll find it becomes easier and unravels the many layers of the emotions.