Playing a game of softball, kickball, frisbee, or disk golf? You run only to twist and turn your ankle. All of the sudden sharp excruciating pain sends a jolt of electricity up through the body. What to do now?
Homeopathy to the rescue. The first thing to do for that shock and trauma is to take a dose of Aconite. I like to use Aconite as it works fast and I can think again without all the emotion that happens when there is a shock to the system. Shortly after this I start with a dose of Arnica for the pain, until the pain reduces. It is ok to even take Arnica every 15 minutes if necessary. If the sprain is very deep and intense, I might also add Ruta grav, alternating with Rhus tox alternating every 15 minutes. Generally after the first day, Arnica is only needed every few hours, and the Ruta and Rhus tox, twice a day. Soaking in cool water helps to reduce the swelling and makes it more comfortable.
It is important to give that ankle some time to rest. Ligaments can be slow to heal after being torn or stretched because there is limited blood flow to the area. Using homeopathy will speed up the normal timeline. I’ve even seen a case where a client was back walking in three days. However, it may still take 1-3 weeks to heal. For more severe injuries, it can take even longer. So when you have an injury, think homeopathy. Using homeopathy can help with injuries, like sprains, and reduce time spent on the bench!
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